What is LifeTime Discount Guarantee?

We are the ONLY hosting company that offers you a discount guarantee for any future account renewals. We guarantee that your renewal price will always benefit from the same percentage discount when purchasing products protected by our "LifeTime Discount Guarantee".

How is that different than the competitors?

Don't fall for the high discount bargains which are offered by most hosting providers. Read the fine print and note that the initial discounted price is usually 3 to 4 times (that's 400%) lower than the standard price at which you will be FORCED to renew!

Our competitors are hoping that you will not want to move away to another provider once you setup your site and start getting traffic and clients; thus you become a “prisoner” of your current host.

If you are already paying too much to your current host, or asked to renew for a higher price, don't worry - we can help! We offer free migration assistance for most of our popular packages, and can help with your domain transfer as well!

Sample comparison based on the current prices & specials offered by us, and our competitors:

Package Special Price Renewal Price
MochaHost SoHo (Linux) $3.18/mo $2.29/mo
Competitor 1 Cheapest Package $3.95/mo $6.95/mo You pay about 3.5 times more
for similar product!
Competitor 2 Cheapest Package $3.99/mo $7.99/mo You pay about 4 times more
for similar product!

Which packages are covered by the LifeTime Discount Guarantee®?

The following packages are currently protected by our price guarantee:

? Can I upgrade to a package protected by LifeTime Discount Guarantee®?
You can try our great service by signing up for a month or any other billing cycle and then upgrade at any time to one of our packages protected by our price guarantee and take full advantage of the package specials. Your fees and remaining balance will be pro-rated accordingly

To upgrade please complete our upgrade form
? What if I currently have one of the packages protected by LifeTime Discount Guarantee®?
You can update your package with the LifeTime Discount Guarantee® by filling out our upgrade form. The package will be updated with the new package pricing and guarantee.

More Reviews by Real Clients..

How do we compare?


Deluxe Plan


Business Plan


Baby Plan
Monthly price special offer $7.99 $4.18 $3.50
Monthly renewal price $13.99 $4.18 $12.99
Free Private SSL - Unlimited -
Free Domain Name first year first year -
DB Size 25 x 1 GB Unlimited Unlimited
SSD Technology ? Enterprise SSD Storage ?
24x7 LiveChat Support -
Migration Assistance $100 Free Free

All prices (USD), features, and plans listed were taken from the public sites of the companies above as were available on June 22nd, 2023. Prices, and features may change without a notice. All company names are trandemarks of their respective owners.

We received almost a perfect score (4.5 out of 5) from cnet, and have been included in their Best Hosts of 2021 listing. Below is a quote from the official editorial review on cnet:

"The company has a wide range of offerings, but by far, the stand-out feature MochaHost provides is a 180-day money-back guarantee. That's the best we've seen so far, and it removed just about all of the risk from any hosting experience.

Overall, we were impressed with how customer-centric the company's offerings are. For example, unlike some of the hosting providers we've profiled (and deducted points from), MochaHost's published prices don't balloon once you've settled in with their service. They have a lifetime price-lock guarantee

They got other customer-centric bonuses for 24/7 support, including 24/7 toll-free callback phone support, free domain name and SSL certificates for as long as you remain a MochaHost customer, a website builder with 500 free templates (and a service that will custom-design your site if you need), a site migration service. In addition, all plans are e-commerce ready and come with free shopping cart software."

The complete review is available at:
